What better way to end end Fashion Week, then with a party!
Hi on Life’s streetwear—which includes a mix of logos, sports inflections, color, and African fabrics—is unique both in terms of aesthetics and production. “Already as a child, I hated to meet someone with the same garment as myself,” explains Busck, who focuses on customized and on-demand orders. The pieces are made (often by friends and acquaintances of her boyfriend) without “a lot of fancy equipment, but instead a great deal of handwork and lots of fun and love in the process.” The designer’s time in Africa has made her more open to eclecticism. “Many times,” she explains, “I can’t get exactly the material or thing that might be the normal option and have to think outside the box and come up with new solutions.” As the line grows, the designer hopes to create more of her own fabrics and prints.